Pratipada. Taking in this New Moon day to sit back and bask in the gentle tamasic energies. Also reflecting on the wonderful adventure over the last 2 weeks, returning to personal consultations after a very long hiatus.
When the guidance came one evening I was as surprised myself. I sat in that vision for a whole week before it was clear what I needed to offer: a karmic-centered astrology reading — followed by a collective Fire Puja at the end.
The purpose of the astrology reading was to help people make sense of what’s happening in their lives, their biggest challenges, as well as to eventually learn the concept of KARMIC RESPONSIBILITY.
This is the basis for a more dharmic approach to conscious living and spiritual awareness. Not easy, I agree!
My personal favorite part would be prescribing a ritual aimed at connecting each person to their nakshatra spiritual gift — it could be a knowledge, skill, or favorable circumstance.
The part about reading past lives is possible, but not always the most helpful thing. We must identify the pattern instead, and learn how to transcend or transform said pattern.
Each oil lamp contains a combination of tantric ingredients depending on the star or planet we are propitiating on that day. Each lamp rests on the astrology and prayer of each client.
But you see how karmic energy works: the client who works a lot with nature, who does her own sadhana with love — a bee flew into her lamp, to sacrifice its life-force as a blessing.
The client who was breaking through deep ancestral wounds, their lamp died out so many times, despite repeated mantras and re-lighting.
You’d think each lamp is the same. But each revealed their karmic energy as it burned.