YOU decide what your Circle of Peace looks like.
What it contains: what it allows and disallows. You have to choose.
Through experience, we learn for ourselves what are the type of things we are happy to accept — and what are the type of things we no longer wish to tolerate.
As a Sacral Generator, I need to discern when to stop feeding my energy to projects and people that are not aligned with my inner truth and purpose. I had to learn to say ‘no’. And boy, did it piss many people off.
People I thought who had my back (or claimed they did — until). Or people who felt entitled to my time and energy, without permission.
Well. ‘No’ has the power to reveal obscured truths.
And it took me so many hard and painful lessons to see that. I wanted to say ‘yes’ to everyone. But I didn’t realize then, that by wanting to please everyone — to ‘appear benevolent’ — I was slowly and methodically destroying myself.
And then I learned: can you blame people for sucking the life out of you if you keep giving them the straw?
Find your Circle of Peace. Sit in it. Bask in its radiance. And then:
Change the world. It starts from within.