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Victory of The Goddess


I’d like to make one thing clear:

We pray to the many gods and goddesses, the higher energies. But Prayer is only one part; the other part is Practice.

PRAYER and PRACTICE complete and balance one another. Without Practice, prayer becomes empty. Without Prayer, practice becomes dogmatic.

Practice is what we observe and act upon outside of Prayer. The choices we make when we think no one is watching. Personal Practice, or Sadhana, goes deeper — time and effort is consciously carved out from one’s 24-hour day to abide in purification and deeper aligning. Sadhana is where both Prayer and Practice meet.

The purpose of sadhana and spiritual practice is always only one: Moksha, and the awareness of Moksha (and Maya), and the purposeful intention to move towards moksha.

Prayer often rests upon worldly motivations. There is no shame in that. We live in a world of mortal fears and ignorance. For those initiated or more-aware, then Prayer becomes a call to self-surrender the ego to All-That-Is. A call for the ego to step aside, so that the Divine might enter, be seen, and made known. Prayer calls for the path of Moksha to become possible.

Negotiation is not prayer. Who are we to negotiate when the very breath we breathe, the very earth we live upon — is given by Her, Maha Prakriti?

Durga is the Mother of Ferocious Sadhana. Let nothing stand in your way; She destroys it. As Mahishasuramardini, She slays the buffalo of stubborn ignorance within us all.

Enjoy your time here, but do not become ensnared. Nothing lasts; all things decay with time; Ma Durga (as Kali) guarantees that.

Om Durge! Dum Durge!

Rakshani Devi HUM!





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